Gastric Bypass Surgery

Mide Bypass Ameliyatı

What exactly is Gastric Bypass Surgery? How does it work?

It is one of the most traditional and long-standing obesity and metabolic surgery procedures. It has long been regarded as the gold standard in the field of bariatric surgery. In contrast to sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the stomach is not removed, and some intestines are disabled. It is a type of obesity surgery that limits eating and impairs absorption.

The surgery can be performed under general anaesthesia using a laparoscopic or robotic technique. First, the stomach is divided into two sections, with a 15-30 ml gastric pouch connected to the oesophagus remaining. The remainder of the stomach is still dysfunctional. The small intestine is separated 75 cm ahead and sutured to the stomach at the lower end, with the upper end sutured 100-150 cm away from the lower end. As a result, the food consumed travels first to the small stomach formed and then to the small intestine that is formed from there. Digestive enzymes come into contact with food 100-150 cm ahead. This results in malabsorption.

Who Is Eligible for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

  • Under the age of 18 and over the age of 65, those between the ages of 18 and 65 can also have surgery in special cases and if the board decides.
  • Those with a BMI greater than 35,
  • Those with a BMI of 30 to 35 and additional weight-related diseases (hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnoea, heart failure, metabolic syndrome, etc.)
  • Those who have tried and failed other weight-loss treatments.
  • Those who are physically capable of handling the surgery and anaesthesia can have Gastric Bypass surgery.

Who Isn’t a Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

  • Those with serious and untreated psychiatric illness,
  • Those with substance or alcohol addiction,
  • Patients with severe hormonal disorders,
  • Patients who are unable to make the necessary changes in diet and lifestyle after surgery,
  • Those with a disease that will prevent them from receiving anaesthesia,
  • Cancer patients,
  • Those planning a pregnancy within the next year,

 They cannot have gastric bypass and obesity and metabolic surgery operations.

How much does Gastric Bypass Surgery cost? How does the price fluctuate?

One of the most important factors influencing the cost of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery is the hospital segment. What exactly does this mean?

Hospitals, like hotels, are classified into upper, middle, and lower segments based on certain criteria. Hospitals are classified based on the clinical department, technology, equipment, materials, imaging, and laboratory types and equipment that they house. Upper segment hospitals are very few in number and have high-level facilities in terms of equipment and team. For surgical services, our Inter Bariatrics team prefers hospitals in the upper segment.

The length of stay in the hospital is the second factor influencing the price. The price range for the length of stay varies greatly according to hospital segments. Monitoring in the intensive care unit, in particular, is a significant cost factor. It is critical to understand what is included in the package price given to the patient prior to the operation.

It is sometimes critical to check whether the dietitian package includes the examination fee in the doctor’s controls in the service you will receive for the appropriate fees. Because the price that appears to be reasonable may not be so when the fees you will have to pay later are factored in.

As Inter Bariatrics Team, to our patients;

  • In our Inter Bariatrics Clinic, Free preliminary meeting with our surgeons,
  • consisting of doctors who are experts in the pre-operative field;
  • Cardiology,
  • Chest Diseases,
  • Internal Medicine,
  • Psychiatry, anaesthesia, and Routine examinations and preparatory examinations with the dietitian team,
  • After Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery; 1 night in the intensive care unit and 2 nights in a private room with a companion

After discharge:

  • 5 years of dietitian follow-up,
  • 5 years of doctor’s check-ups, excluding the tests to be requested in your check-ups,
  • Monthly scheduled obesity group support therapy meetings are included, unless otherwise stated.

What Are the Benefits of a Gastric Bypass?

If we list the benefits of gastric bypass surgery, which is one of the surgeries that causes malabsorption in obesity, and metabolic surgery;

  • the weight loss effect is greater than that of a tube stomach.
  • It has a higher recovery rate from co-morbidities than tube stomach.
  • It is reversible, albeit difficult and risky.
  • It causes eating restriction as well as malabsorption.

What are the Negative Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The hospital stay has been extended.

  • Because gastric bypass from obesity and metabolic surgery causes malabsorption, at least two vitamin and mineral supplements are required throughout life. If vitamins are not taken, severe vitamin deficiency syndrome can develop.
  • Because gastric bypass is a more complicated and time-consuming procedure, the complication rate is higher.
  • A more in-depth follow-up is required.
  • Dumping syndrome is possible.
  • The stomach remains in the abdomen, which cannot be seen with an endoscopy, and complications such as intestinal obstruction and ulcers may occur after Gastric Bypass surgery.

You will have your first control at our Inter Bariatrics Clinic Control After Gastric Bypass Surgery On the tenth day of your obesity and metabolic surgery with our surgeons. Then, during your first month of follow-up, if your general condition is due to surgery, if you have problems, or if you have nutrition questions, your problems are evaluated, but no blood tests are performed.